Apply 4–6 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. every 7–14 days. When using sprayer systems, water into root zone within 6 hours.
Package Sizes:
4 x 5 liter (5.28 US gallons) case
120 liter (31.7 US gallons) drum
220 liter (58.1 US gallons) drum
MACRO-SORB® Radicular
Out of sight, never out of mind.
As a professional turf manager, you and your plant roots have a few things in common. You both operate diligently behind the scenes and are expected to support consistent playing surfaces, regardless of the conditions thrown at you.
Macro-Sorb Radicular is specifically formulated for maximum performance in the root zone. Its plant nutrients and free amino acids are designed to work together to promote root production and function. Macro-Sorb Radicular complements your regular fertilization programs and is recommended throughout the entire growing season to prepare turfgrass for periods of stress.
Product at a Glance:
Enhances root mass production
Increases nutrient availability within the soil
Proprietary formulation of L-amino acids designed for maximum performance as a root zone application. Learn more about L-amino acids.
Prepares turfgrass and other plants to better withstand summer and winter stress. Learn more about plant stress.
Pharmaceutical grade manufacturing process guarantees consistent ratios of L-amino acids. Learn more about the manufacturing process.
Increases nutrient up-take through the roots
Enhances seed establishment and turf recovery from stress or aerification
Improves the efficiency of soil applied treatments by increasing their absorption and translocation within the plant